Wednesday 1 June 2022

Month 4

Month 4 - I was in the car with my friend yesterday looking at my hectic calender for the week when i noticed it was already basically May - well it will be by the time i'm probably able to post this. As I said before power electricity and water are a big problem here when the country turns off the power supply to save money things can get rough very quick especially because we are in a children's home. 

We have to change up routines just to make sure they can bath and wash so they are clean in bed otherwise it could be a while before they are clean again. My age kiddies have a TV and at the moment are in love with the movie Encanto. They can tell you that movie word for word and know all the songs - but we don't talk about Bruno ... 

So they had spent the whole day at preschool and recently its been 100% English weather here.. its been rough. First world problems but all my shoes are destroyed and caked in mud haha. So because of the weather they haven't been able to go outside. They either watch a movie or play in there bedrooms after school. It was such a relaxing evening everything felt so chilled. Then I realised I hadn't turned my Whatsapp notifications on. This is how we communicate about everything TLC related. When I realised there was a message sent earlier in the day saying loadshedding from 6pm. At this point it was 5:45pm 

Ahhh I had a mini freak out laughed to myself and told the kiddies to run to the bathroom. 3 in the bath 3 in the shower and then all over again with another bunch of kids. It was one of the funniest bath times we have had because it was so hectic but everyone was happy and laughing. 

After bathing they went to go eat dinner, this is when the power went out. I turned my phone upside down put my torch on with a glass of water on top ... makes the perfect light... 

And they all ate without messing on themselves. 👏 we tidied up the tables and chairs and had an hour long dance party.... i'm not sure who was more exhausted afterwards me and the other caregiver or the kiddies... 

It was a magical evening the kiddies laughter was contagious it was pretty dark in the room without the power on but it was relaxing. We were one big happy family with the small newbies on our backs to make sure they weren't trampled. Everyone was smiling and joyful. 

It was such a beautiful evening. Its days and moments like this that make all the hard times worth it. I wont lie the past month has definitely had its ups and downs. I've been exhausted from work and sickness but it's these special times that make you think back to day one and the reason I chose to come to TLC in the first place. The kiddies being relaxed and smiling brings so much joy to my life. 

Something so simple that we all take for granted in England is power and electric but maybe just try a few hours without it. It can be one of the best things you do to take a break from the normal in life just light candles and relax without your phone or laptop. It can get hard without it - no power means no water here so once we run out of our jug water that's it. It's finished and we have to make a plan. Once our phones have run out of battery we are running the kiddies back and forth to the toilet in total darkness but you just have too. I love cleaning once we have eaten but here I had to learn its not the end of the world if a few dishes stay dirty for the night the kiddies are my priority and as long as they are enjoying life that's all that matters. 

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