Wednesday, 1 June 2022

A Change of Circumstances

For around the past 2 months now I have been back on rota with the older kiddies. I work from 4pm to 8am most days with the 12 oldest kiddies. Its rewarding challenging and beautiful all at the same time. I am one of the people they look up to one of the people they come too in times of hurt and struggle. the person they come to when life is on there side and they are having a wonderful day. They break my heart and mend it all at the same time. There gorgous little smiles make me smile.. when there happy im happy. I wish i could give them everything and more ... 

When we are following there afternoon/ evening rota I have to remember to sit back enjoy every second and watch how much they have all grown with the help of TLC. We try to make everyday new and exciting whether thats going on a walk around the block or just to the monkey tree... whether its playing with a hoola hoop or a football... bouncing them high in the sky on the trampoline or giving them areoplane rides... Its these moments that will forever be stuck in my head... Its these times I hope they never forget where there smiles beam from ear to ear as we laugh and play together and enjoy time as one big happy family 

During the day when Im not "working" I drive people to different appointments, children to the court dates, mothers hope program to there baby scans but some days I just relax.. get out my pushchair pick one of the children from the nursery and go for a relaxing peaceful walk around the block. This one on one time helps to slow everything down and is wonderful to get to know the child and there likes and dislikes. Its 30 minutes to an hour out of my day where i can take it slow breath and reminise about all the wonderful times that ive been able to spend with these beautiful children. 


Since arriving one of the gorgeous little girls went to her forever family. It was a mentally hard time Id known her since she first came through TLC gates and now i was watching her leave with her wonderful new parents. I know thats what is supposed to happen but it doesnt mean its easy. I see her as my baby and the kiddies see her as a sister. Its nice to know how much love and attention she is getting now she is exelling massively and in love with her new family. Her parents are so sweet. 

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